Friday, August 14, 2020

Blog 14: My three ways to motivate yourself at work

 Hello Readers! 

I wanted to write about motivation because as a sales and leadership coach, this is something that I often see with my clients. Motivation can tricky, because motivation isn't just pushing yourself to keep going. There's so much more to motivation, including making sure others help you to motivate yourself and keep you accountable for your work. Being motivated will help you feel more accomplished and productive, which will boost your overall positivity levels. Even if you don't have a support system of friends to help you to stay motivated, using these tips and building them into your daily routine can help you to accomplish more. These tips are simple, but can really help to take the steps needed to help your overall motivation increase. 

1. Front-load your days with the boring or dreaded tasks 

    By putting the tasks you're not looking forward to at the beginning of your day, you'll get them over and done with faster, and then have the rest of the day to focus on the tasks you enjoy more. This will help to increase your productivity and boost your general mood in looking at your workday ahead. 

2. Schedule weekly check-ins with a mentor or peer 

    Have someone check-in on your progress, just so they can hold you accountable for the work you're doing. It can be easy to slack off or forget to accomplish your goals if it's just you working on them. Having a mentor or a peer to come alongside you and make sure you are where you're hoping to be in your life, or that you're focusing on the goals you want to accomplish, can be extremely helpful and even necessary sometimes to motivate yourself to do them. 

3. Reward yourself when you do accomplish a goal or task 

    Whether it's with a tasty snack, a three minute Youtube break, a reward is important for psychologically training yourself to finish your tasks and goals. By rewarding yourself after completing a task or a goal, you're incentivizing yourself to complete those goals, which will help motivate yourself in the long run. 

There are of course many more ways to motivate yourself, but I hope that these three tips you can build into your routine to make sure that you're succeeding in any situation. Reach out and let me know your thoughts on these tips, as well as any other helpful ones that you use. 

Until next time! 


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