Friday, July 31, 2020

Lifestyle Blog 5: 10 ways to inspire Creativity

Hello, my lovely readers! 

Today I want to focus on creativity, as it's something that is highly valued and needed within almost any job industry. Being creative is a skill, and like any skill, can easily be learned and practiced. Creativity isn't just something for artsy people, though being artistic can help to inspire more creativity. Creativity is thinking "outside-the-box," thinking of alternative options, or something new and interesting. To be creative, you have to think about bending rules, pushing boundaries, and looking harder for that story. Creativity is something I use every day as both a businesswoman, but also as a writer. I achieved a Bachelor's degree in English, and use my writing skills every day in my blogs, newsletters, memos to employees, as well as in business meetings. Being a writer gives me a creative outlet to inspire more creativity which I can then use in other sectors of my life. It sounds challenging, especially if you don't consider yourself an artistic or creative person, but I promise with these 10 ways to inspire creativity, you'll be feeling more creative soon! Plus these 10 ways to inspire creativity are easy, and if you continue practicing them, creativity will be more achievable. 

1. Carry a notebook everywhere 
    You never know when a creative idea may strike. Several fellow writers of mine have had ideas while driving, biking, even in the shower. Having a notebook nearby or a place to write your ideas down will help to encourage more ideas, as you're not stressing about remembering them. Plus knowing your notebook is closeby helps you to feel more creative and validated in your creativity. 

2. Journal 
    Journaling is something that I personally find helpful with my creativity. Whether it's merely describing my day, or actually journaling ideas for future vacations or interior design layouts, I find my creative juices easily flow. Try it and see if that helps you to think more creatively. 

3. Listen to different music, such as classical
    Getting out of your routine of listening to your usual music can help spark creativity. Try listening to something you may not normally listen to. Whether it's classical music (which can be quite creative, such as Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture with actual cannons in it) or something else, the change can help to encourage creative thoughts and feelings. Just make sure to pay attention and actively listen to your new music, not zone it out. 

4. Don't beat yourself up for weird ideas 
    Seriously, this is probably the number one thing that will stop a creative process. If your creative thoughts are being deemed as weird, it's not helpful and you won't feel validated in your creative process. Instead, make sure to be positive with your creativity, not judging your thoughts or anyone else's if you're in a brainstorming session. Sometimes the weirder the better. 

5.  Try switching up your wardrobe 
    Wear something unique and different. You'll notice that your moods and thought process may change slightly, which can help spark some creative juices as well. If you usually wear black, try wearing something bright, and vice versa. The change can be good for you. 

6. Try a new place for working 
    Whether you're working at home or in an office, try moving your computer or notebook to a new area. The change of scenery can cause a change in thinking, and encourage more creativity. Just getting out of routine can help! 

7. Collaborate with others 
    Even working in a group setting can help spark creativity, as one person's energy and interest can be contagious to others. Working in collaboration allows for thoughts other than just your own, and can help silence your inner critic. 

8. Take some time away from screens 
    Time away from your computer or phone can give you a distraction-free space in which to process your life, job, or anything else. Having no distractions is good for a lot of reasons, including being more creative. 

9. Try a new hobby
    Going and trying something new, whether it's painting, biking, rock-climbing, line-dancing, frisbee golf, or whatever, can help you to change perspectives and your routine. Trying something new and interesting forces your brain to learn and adapt, thinking more creatively. 

10. Go on websites like Pinterest for more inspiration 
    If you're really stuck, going to websites like Pinterest or Etsy can help give you ideas about different projects, events, stickers, merchandise, or anything else you might think of. Also asking other people to help on your projects can boost the overall creativity and make you feel better. 

Taking time for creativity and working some creative time into your daily schedule will help you to feel more productive and well-rounded. It'll encourage you to lower your self-judgment, and allow you to think more positively. There are many other ways to think creatively out there, but I hope these 10 ways to inspire creativity are helpful for you. 

Let me know what your favorite methods for creativity are! 
Until next time, 

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