Monday, October 26, 2020

Blog 30: Warning signs that you might be let go

 Happy Monday Readers! 

Today I want to talk about the process of being let go, as it's something not all of us go through, but for those who have, it's hard to forget. Being let go can happen due to many reasons, a miscommunication in expectations about job responsibilities, economic downturn, downsizing, and redundancy. It's hard for anyone being let go, but sometimes the process of being let go can actually be beneficial for those looking for new opportunities or career changes. 

Sometimes you can sense when a company's culture is changing, and whether or not you will be kept on. In contrast, however, you might never see any warning signs at all. I want to give you some clear warning signs that you might be let go, specifically with the economy changing due to COVID-19. Note that these warning signs do not mean you are guaranteed to be let go, but they are important things to think about if you're worried about being let go. 

1. Specific Feedback 

Sometimes the clearest warning signs are the most correct. If you've gotten recent feedback that your job performance wasn't as good as it could have been, this can indicate that you may be let go. The best way to deal with this warning sign is to show improvement in your work ethic and be proactive in your choices, showing you can go above and beyond for the company. 

2. Behavior change

A behavior change by your boss or your coworkers can be a definite warning sign that the company is changing, and you may be let go. Pay attention to the behavior changes in coworkers and your boss, and keep in mind that it may not lead to a bad result but a good one. 

3. Economic factors 

Unfortunately, sometimes things like economic downturn or recessions can cause a lot of layoffs for jobs. It may have nothing to do with your work ethic or your qualifications, but the company may have to let you go. Pay attention to the current economic status so you can be prepared for the worst. 

Know that worrying about being let go isn't going to help you with if/when it comes. Instead focus on the things that you can control: your stress levels, energy levels, and attitude. Remember to stay positive and know if even if you are let go, you'll find somewhere else to land. 

Feel free to contact me via social media with any questions or comments you may have about this blog. Know that you're amazing no matter what happens! 

Until next time! 


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